Solar Energy System for Home

An integrated power bank is a compact, self-contained, enclosed energy storage device that integrates a battery system and an inverter. It directly outputs AC power for use by electrical equipment. Depending on the model, the capacitance is 3kWh to 10kWh, the AC output power is 3kW to 12kW, and the output voltage is 110V/220V. This product can support customer customization.

CONCENPOWER Integrative Power Bank is a fully-integrated AC battery system for residential or light commercial use. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and backup.

Power Bank’s electrical interface provides a simple connection to any home or building. Its revolutionary compact design achieves market-leading energy density and is easy to install, enabling owners to quickly realize the benefits of reliable, clean power

General Information
Product No. CON-H53 CON-H55 CON-H510 CON-H103 CON-H105 CON-H1010
Product size 600*300*1000 mm
Product weight 80kg 91kg 130kg 120kg 128kg 130kg
Package size 695*395*1150 mm
Product gross weight 106kg 117kg 156kg 146kg 154kg 156kg
Working temperature 0 ~ 40 °C
Working altitude less than 2000m

Battery information
Battery type Lithium iron phosphate battery
Battery rate voltage 51.2V
Battery capacity 5000 Wh 10000 Wh

AC output information
Inverter type Pure sine wave frequency inverter
Inverter rate power 3kw 5kw 10kw 3kw 5kw 10kw
Inverter MAX. power 6kw 10kw 20kw 6kw 10kw 20kw
AC output voltage 80-130V / 160-240V
AC output frequency 50Hz - 60Hz intelligent monitor

Product input information
AC input voltage 80-130V / 160-240V
AC input frequency 50Hz - 60Hz intelligenct monitor
Solar controller Build-in MPPT
Solar input voltage 72V
Solar input currency 60A / 80A

Protection system
Over / under voltage protection YES
Over current protection YES
Over / under temperature protection YES
DC breaker YES

1: Test conditions: 25 °C, 100 % depth of discharge (DOD), 1C charge& 1.5C discharge

2: Refer to battery warranty letter for conditional application

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